Chocolate Brownies


Preparation Time : 15 to 20  minutes

          Cook Time : 25 to 35 minutes 

         Total Time : 40 to 55 minutes 

 What We Need 👇

Cooking Chocolate or chocolate Chips  200 g   

Butter or Magarine 1/2 Cup 

Granulated Sugar  1 Cup 

Brown Suger 1/2 Cup 

Eggs - 3 medium Size 

Salt 1/4 tsp 

Vanila Essance 1tsp 

Coffee 1tsp (Optional ) - Depends on the indivigual Taste  

All - Purpose Flour 1/2 Cup 

Cocoa Powder 1/4 cup 

Lets Get Started !!!😋

Grease the pan with Butter / Magarine  or  Oil.

<< I would prefer Butter lol >>
Line with parchment paper.

Preheat the oven at 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4.

Now ,

Melt Cooking Chocolate with Butter / Magarine (Microwave or Double Boil) and Let it cool.

<<Dont eat any chocolates while doing this we need exactly 200g lol >>

In another bowl add all the dry ingredients and mix it.

Granulated Sugar , Brown Sugar , Salt , Flour , Cocoa Powder 

(Sift Flour and Cocoa Powder together ).

Add Eggs (to the bowl) one at a time , mix after each addition . 

<<Cooking is Patient guys , dont add all Eggs in one go >>

Mix Untill Creamy.

Add Vanila and the Chocolate Butter Mix.

<<You Can add Coffee here as well , if you are a Coffee peson like me then go on LETS ADD COFFEE !! >>

Mix Everything Well.

<< Arms Workout >>  

Preparation Done 😍

Now ,

Pour the batter in to the baking pan and then gently shake and tap .(couple of times to spread the batter evenly)

<< Slowly Slowly >> 

Baking Time ⏰

Approximately  25 - 28 minutes at 180C/350F / Gas Mark 4 , Preheated Oven 


Use Whisk to mix (Avoid Electric Hand Mixer ).

Leave the tray on the Center of the Oven.

Finalyyy 😍

You Can Enjoy Your Delicious Brownies

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