Seeni Maa / Sweet Semolina

 Preparation Time : 5 to 10 minutes

Cook Time : 5  to  10 minutes 

Total Time : 10  to 20 minutes 

Originality 👪

Mums' Recipie - Recipies for Generation after Generation.

Notes 📝

You can use dried mixed fruit instead of Raisins.
<<I have added  1/2 cup of dried mixed fruit which includes Raisins as well  >>


For the batter  

  • Semolina - 500g
  • White Sugar - 250 g 
  • Jaggery - 1/2 Jaggery 
  • Raisins - 1/2 Cup 
  • Curry Leaves 
  • Salt - 1/2 tea spoon 
  • Vanilla Extract - 1 tea spoon 
  • Onions - 1 
  • Cardamom - 3 to 5 
  • Cashews - 125 g 
  • Ghee - 2 table spoon 



Grate the Jaggery.
Split the Cashews and cut in to half.

Chopped the Onions and Curry Leaves.
Then grind Cardamom.


Dry roast the semolina on Low Heat , Keep Stirring to avoid burning.
Once Semolina turns Golden Brown (Aromatic) transfer the Semolina in to a Container.
Allow it to cool and then add the Grated Jaggery , White Sugar and Salt - Mix all together.  

Stir Frying  

Heat two Table Spoon of Ghee in the Pan.  

Make sure to stir constantly while following below steps , 

Add the chopped Onions and stir fry on Medium heat (Untill Golden Brown) 
Add Raisins or dried mixed fruit and stir fry on low heat (Make sure not to burn) 
Then add Cashews , Curry Leaves , Cardamom and stir fry all together.  

Now , Add the Semolina mixure to the pan and mix all together on Low Heat.
(Approximately 1 minute - Make sure not to burn ) 

Transfer the Seeni Ma (Sweet Semolina ) in to a Large Plate and let it cool. 
Then Transfer in to an Air - tight  Container.  

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  Instagram Page 👉 Sweet Snowballs 


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