Cheese Balls


Preparation Time : 30 to 40  minutes

          Cook Time : 15 to 20 minutes 

         Total Time : 45 to 60  minutes 

 What We Need 👇

  • Two medium size Potatoes ( 350 g - 400 g)     

  • Breadcrumbs  

  • Medium size egg  

  • Cheese 50 - 100 g  
        (Mozzarella or Cheddar )   

  • Flour - 2 table spoon   
  • Garlic paste or powder - 1 tea spoon   
  • Thyme (Optional)  
Below Measurements - Depends on your taste 
  • Salt - 1 tea spoon  
  • Papper - 1 tea spoon  
  • Chili Flakes - 1 tea spoon   

 Lets Get Started !!!😋

Boil the potatoes.(Don't over cook - you can add water enough to cover the potatoes).
<< You will endup having soupy potatoes if you over cooked lol >>

Mashed the Potatoes. 

Add Salt , Chili Flakes , Papper , Garlic Paste / Powder , 2 table spoon of Breadcrumbs.
(You can add Flour instead of Breaddcrumbs) and Thyme (Optional) to the mashed potatoes.
<<If you don't have herbs just don't add , Dont Worry :) >>

Mix all Together.(not too sticky or dry )


Now , 

 Cut Mozzarella / Cheddar in to Cubes.

(1 cm x 1 cm  or you can grate the cheese )

<< I would prefer grating lol >>

Add Papper , Chili Flakes , Salt to the cube cheese or grated Cheese.

<< Don' forget cheese got salt as well be carful when adding salt >>

Mix All Together.

Take 1 spoon of mashed Potatoes(1 table spoon is enough - depends on you ).

And make potato balls.

Take one potato ball and flat it to a small disk and put cheese block (1 cube) or grated cheese (1 - 1/2 tea spoon) in the middle.

<< Use you palm and dont flat the potato mixure too thin >>

Cover the cheese with the sides and make a ball (cheese inside ).

Now for the Coating , 

Add 2 Table spoon of Flour to a Bowl.

Add 2 to 4 Table Spoon of Water to the bowl.

Whisk all togehter.

In another bowl beat an Egg.

Take Potato balls and roll them in the flour mixture.

( one by one , Gently )

Then roll it around the Bread Crumbs.

And then roll potato balls in the egg.

Then again roll it around the bread crumbs. 
<<done rolling dont worry about it >> 

Refrigerate the cheese balls for 15 - 30 minutes.

Now ,

Heat the Oil (Slighty deep ).

Slide the Cheese balls to hot oil and fry until Golden and Crisp.


Boil Potatoes with the potato skin , this way potato wont over Cooked.

Make sure to cover the cheese well or else cheese will come out when frying.

To Check the oil (perfect temperature ) you can add pinch of bread crumbs to the oil and it has to raise immediatley.

Ensure to follow the order of the coating or the cheese ball will not be smooth.
Order as folows > Flour Mixure >Bread Crumbs >Egg > Bread Crumbs. 

Finalyyy 😍

You Can Enjoy Your Delicious  Cheese Balls. 

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